Clouds and Waves: Summary and Analysis

Rabindranath Tagore's "Clouds and Waves" is not just a poem; it's a vibrant tapestry woven with the threads of a child's boundless imagination and the unwavering comfort of a mother's love. In this blog, we delve into the heart of this masterpiece, exploring its summary and then unravelling its deeper layers through analysis.

Clouds and Waves

Cloud and Waves by Rabindranath Tagore

Mother, the folk who live up in the clouds call out to me—

    "We play from the time we wake till the day ends.

    We play with the golden dawn, we play with the silver moon."

    I ask, "But how am I to get up to you ?"

    They answer, "Come to the edge of the earth, lift up your

hands to the sky, and you will be taken up into the clouds."

    "My mother is waiting for me at home, "I say, "How can I leave

her and come?"

    Then they smile and float away.

    But I know a nicer game than that, mother.

    I shall be the cloud and you the moon.

    I shall cover you with both my hands, and our house-top will

be the blue sky.

    The folk who live in the waves call out to me—

    "We sing from morning till night; on and on we travel and know

not where we pass."

    I ask, "But how am I to join you?"

    They tell me, "Come to the edge of the shore and stand with

your eyes tight shut, and you will be carried out upon the waves."

    I say, "My mother always wants me at home in the evening*—

how can I leave her and go?"

    They smile, dance and pass by.

    But I know a better game than that.

    I will be the waves and you will be a strange shore.

    I shall roll on and on and on, and break upon your lap with


    And no one in the world will know where we both are.

Cloud and Waves Summary

A little child is playing outside on a beautiful day. They look up at the fluffy clouds in the sky and imagine all sorts of fun things they could do if they could fly up there. They could play games in the moonlight, build palaces made of silver, and explore all the different corners of the sky.

But then the child looks down at the waves in the ocean and hears them whispering too. The waves tell the child about all the amazing things they could find if they could swim down deep into the sea. They could build castles made of coral, collect necklaces of pearls, and discover all the secrets that are hidden under the waves.

The child is really tempted to run off and have an adventure, but then they think about their mommy. They know their mommy would be sad if they left, so they decide to stay home instead.

Even though the child stays home, they still use their imagination to have fun. They pretend that their bed is a boat, and they sail across the waves of their imagination. They visit the clouds and the ocean, all without ever leaving their room.

The child learns that even though it's fun to imagine new things, it's also important to love the people who are close to you. And even though you can't always go on the adventures you dream of, you can still have fun using your imagination.

Clouds and Waves Analysis

"Clouds and Waves" transcends a simple children's poem. It explores the universal conflict between the allure of the unknown and the comfort of the familiar. The child's struggle to choose between the beckoning beauty of the celestial and the oceanic realms reflects our own internal battles between ambition and responsibility, freedom and security.

The Triumph of Love

Ultimately, the poem celebrates the unbreakable bond between mother and child. It highlights the importance of love as a guiding force, even in the face of tempting possibilities. The child's choice to stay, not out of fear but out of love, paints a powerful picture of how affection can provide a foundation for exploration within familiar realms.

Cloud and Waves Summary

A Lingering Dream

While the child chooses love, the poem doesn't dismiss the allure of the clouds and waves. They remain present, a constant reminder of the dreams and possibilities that reside just beyond the reach of home. This subtle duality adds depth to the poem, suggesting that imagination and ambition can thrive alongside the comfort of love.

Literary Devices Used in Clouds and Waves

The poem dances with playful literary devices, weaving a tapestry of personification as clouds and waves whisper promises, and imagery painting vivid pictures of moonlit palaces and coral castles. Repetition of the beckoning calls adds musicality, while contrasts between sky and sea, dreams and reality, build tension until metaphor offers imaginative resolutions. Finally, the poem breathes with simple, childlike language, reflecting the innocent wonder at its heart.

About the Author

Rabindranath Tagore, a prominent figure in literature, art, and philosophy, was a versatile talent originating from India. Born on May 7, 1861, in Calcutta (now Kolkata), Tagore's influence extends globally. Renowned as a poet, philosopher, musician, and playwright, he earned the distinction of being the first non-European Nobel laureate in Literature in 1913. Tagore's literary masterpieces, including the timeless "Gitanjali" (Song Offerings), delve into themes of spirituality, love, and human connection.

His Poems include Separation, Clouds and Waves, and others. Beyond his literary accomplishments, he played a pivotal role as a social reformer, educator, and a central figure in India's cultural revival. His enduring legacy persists through his extensive body of work, serving as a perennial source of inspiration that transcends borders and resonates across generations.


"Clouds and Waves" is a lyrical journey through a child's world, beautifully capturing the interplay of imagination, adventure, and love. It invites us to reflect on our own choices, reminding us that while dreams may fly on clouds and whispers, it is often in the embrace of love that we find true fulfilment.

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