Summary of Enterprise by Nissim Ezekiel

Nissim Ezekiel, a prominent Indian English poet, is known for his insightful and thought-provoking poetry. "Enterprise" is one of his notable works, offering readers a glimpse into the complexities of modern life. In this blog, we will delve deep into his poem, providing a comprehensive analysis that includes a summary of Enterprise, an exploration of themes, stanza-wise breakdown, poetic devices, structure and form, and a conclusion about the author. Additionally, we'll address frequently asked questions to enhance your understanding of both the poem and the poet.

Summary of Enterprise by Nissim Ezekiel

Summary of the Poem Enterprise

This poem by Nassim Ezekiel describes a journey that begins as a pilgrimage with high hopes of enlightenment and making burdens lighter. However, as the journey progresses, the group faces challenges, disagreements, and hardships. They lose a friend, face attacks, and become divided. Eventually, they reach their destination, but the experience has left them changed and uncertain about the purpose of their journey, emphasizing the idea that home is where they need to find solace and meaning.

Stanza 1

It started as a pilgrimage

Exalting minds and making all

The burdens light, The second stage

Explored but did not test the call.

The sun beat down to match our rage. 

The first stanza describes a journey that began as a pilgrimage to elevate people's spirits and make their burdens easier to bear. However, in the second stage of the journey, while it was explored, it didn't fully test the true purpose or calling of the pilgrimage. The intense sun symbolizes the determination and passion of those on the journey.

Stanza 2

We stood it very well, I thought,

Observed and put down copious notes

On things, the peasants sold and bought

The way of serpents and goats.

Three cities where a sage had taught.

In this stage, they explore their surroundings, taking detailed notes on various aspects of life, such as the local economy and the habits of the people. They visit three cities where a sage had imparted wisdom.

Stanza 3

But when the differences arose

On how to cross a desert patch,

We lost a friend whose stylish prose

Was quite the best of all our batch.

A shadow falls on us and grows.

Disagreements arise within the group regarding how to cross a challenging desert patch. Sadly, they lose a friend known for their eloquent writing skills, casting a shadow of sorrow over the group.

Stanza 4

Another phase was reached when we

Were twice attacked, and lost our way.

A section claimed its liberty

To leave the group. I tried to pray.

Our leader said he smelt the sea.

The journey becomes even more arduous as they face two separate attacks and lose their way. Some members decide to leave the group, while their leader claims to sense the proximity of the sea.

Stanza 5

We noticed nothing as we went,

A straggling crowd of little hope,

Ignoring what the thunder meant, 

Deprived of common needs like soap.

Some were broken, some merely bent.

The group continues onward, but their condition deteriorates. They are described as a dispirited and straggling crowd, oblivious to the significance of thunder and deprived of necessities like soap.

Stanza 6

When, finally, we reached the place,

We hardly know why we were there.

The trip had darkened every face,

Our deeds were neither great nor rare.

Home is where we have to gather grace.

Finally, they arrive at their destination, but the purpose of their journey remains unclear. The experience has left them changed, and they acknowledge that they must find grace and meaning at home, suggesting that the true essence of their quest might be internal rather than external.

Themes in the Poem Enterprise

The Human Condition: The poem delves into the human condition and the inherent challenges people face in their pursuits. It touches upon themes of conflict, loss, and the complexities of human relationships. The disagreements and loss of a friend within the group of travellers reflect the human struggle to find harmony and unity in the face of adversity.

The Search for Meaning: Throughout the journey, the travellers seem to lose sight of their original purpose. This may symbolize the idea that people often get caught up in the external aspects of their pursuits, losing sight of the deeper meaning or purpose behind their actions.

Inner Transformation: As travellers face difficulties and undergo changes, the poem suggests that the real value of their journey lies not in external achievements but in the internal growth and self-discovery that occur along the way. This theme underscores the idea that personal development and understanding are often the most meaningful outcomes of any endeavour.

Poetic Devices Used in the Poem

Imagery: Ezekiel's use of vivid imagery, such as "angry/and shrill with self-pity at success so ill-achieved," paints a clear picture of the emotional turmoil experienced by the speaker.

Metaphor: The poem's title itself, "Enterprise," can be seen as a metaphor for the journey of life, emphasizing the challenges and uncertainties that come with ambitious endeavours.

Enjambment: The enjambment in the poem, where lines flow into each other without a pause, mirrors the continuous and relentless nature of the pursuit of success.

Structure and Forms

The poem Enterprise consists of six stanzas five lines each with a regular ABABA rhyme scheme. This structure adds a sense of order to the poem, juxtaposing the chaotic nature of ambition.


Nissim Ezekiel's "Enterprise" invites readers to reflect on the nature of ambition and the sacrifices we make in its pursuit. Through its exploration of themes, poetic devices, and structure, this poem continues to captivate and resonate with audiences, making it a significant work in the world of Indian English poetry. I hope the blog dealt with the summary of Enterprise in and good way!

About Nissim Ezekiel

Nissim Ezekiel was a prominent figure in Indian English poetry, known for his keen observations of human nature and the challenges of modernity. His works, including "Enterprise," continue to resonate with readers, offering profound insights into the human condition. His work includes Philosophy, Night of the Scorpion, and others. Read More


What is the central idea of the poem Enterprise by Nissim Ezekiel?

The central idea of Nissim Ezekiel's poem "Enterprise" revolves around the concept of a journey or pilgrimage that initially holds high hopes and noble intentions but ultimately becomes a challenging and disillusioning experience. The poem explores the idea that such journeys, whether physical or metaphorical, often involve hardships, conflicts, and losses that can test one's resolve and purpose.

What does the title "Enterprise" suggest?

The poem suggests that people often embark on journeys or enterprises with grand expectations, hoping to achieve greatness or enlightenment. However, the reality of such endeavours can be quite different, filled with hardships and disappointments. This theme highlights the contrast between idealism and reality.

Why did the poet try to pray in the enterprise?

The poet mentions trying to pray in the poem "Enterprise" by Nissim Ezekiel during a moment of disagreement and difficulty within the group of travellers. This act of trying to pray may symbolize the poet's or the traveller's attempt to seek guidance, clarity, or solace in a higher power or spiritual belief system when faced with challenges and disagreements.


  • Kalpana Kumari

    Kalpana, a master's student at the Central University of Jharkhand, is a promising literary talent from a culturally rich region. Her writing delves into the complexities of human relationships and the fusion of tradition and modernity in India, offering a fresh and captivating voice in contemporary Indian literature.

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