Wandering Singers by Sarojini Naidu: Summary and Analysis

Wandering Singers by Sarojini Naidu is a lyrical exploration of the nomadic lifestyle embraced by a group of singers who roam the land, spreading messages through their music. Sarojini Naidu, a prominent Indian poet and freedom fighter, beautifully captures the essence of their journey, portraying a life unbound by material ties and dedicated to the pursuit of art and expression. This poem not only highlights the wandering singers' profound connection to nature and humanity but also reflects Naidu's deep appreciation for India's cultural diversity. Through this blog, we will delve into the summary and analysis of Wandering Singers by Sarojini Naidu, uncovering the layers of meaning and the poet's artistic vision.

Wandering Singers by Sarojini Naidu

Wandering Singers by Sarojini Naidu

WHERE the voice of the wind calls our wandering feet,

Through echoing forest and echoing street,

With lutes in our hands ever-singing we roam,

All men are our kindred, the world is our home.

Our lays are of cities whose lustre is shed,

The laughter and beauty of women long dead;

The sword of old battles, the crown of old kings,

And happy and simple and sorrowful things.

What hope shall we gather, what dreams shall we sow?

Where the wind calls our wandering footsteps we go.

No love bids us tarry, no joy bids us wait:

The voice of the wind is the voice of our fate.

Wandering Singers Summary

In the poem Wandering Singers by Sarojini Naidu, the poet describes the lives of travelling musicians who roam from place to place, singing songs and sharing stories. These singers do not have a fixed home and are led by the sound of their instruments. Their songs reflect the many experiences, emotions, and histories of the people they meet. The poem highlights their freedom and the connection between all human lives, showing the beauty of India's diverse culture and the universal power of music.

Analysis of Wandering Singers

Wandering Singers by Sarojini Naidu is a beautiful poem that talks about a group of singers who travel from place to place, sharing their music. The poem captures the essence of their wandering lifestyle and explores deeper themes of freedom, impermanence, and unity.

The first stanza introduces us to the wandering singers, who are described as having no fixed home. They go wherever the wind takes them, showing their free-spirited nature. Their songs are like the wind, travelling far and wide, unaffected by boundaries or limitations. This reflects the idea of freedom and living without attachments to any specific place or material possessions.

In the second stanza, the poet tells us that the singers carry with them the stories and emotions of the people they meet. Their songs are about the joys, sorrows, and dreams of various communities. This shows how music can connect different cultures and people, creating a sense of shared humanity. The singers' music becomes a bridge that unites diverse experiences and memories.

Summary of Wandering Singers

The third stanza highlights the transient nature of life. The singers do not stay in one place for long, just like the fleeting moments of life. They embrace the temporary nature of their existence, moving forward with the flow of time. This teaches us to accept change and live in the present moment, finding beauty in the journey rather than in permanent destinations.

The poet also emphasises the universal nature of the singers' message. Their music is not confined to one particular group or region but is meant for everyone. This universality underscores the idea that art and music are powerful tools for expressing common human experiences and emotions, transcending cultural and geographical boundaries.


Wandering Singers by Sarojini Naidu is a poem that celebrates the freedom and simplicity of a nomadic life dedicated to music. It conveys important themes such as the impermanence of life, the interconnectedness of all people, and the unifying power of art. Through the wandering singers, Sarojini Naidu beautifully illustrates the rich cultural heritage of India and the timeless appeal of music as a universal language.


  • Prince Kumar

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